War Stories
- The Last Flight of the Seawolves
- Seawolves Down at Dong Tam
- Scramble Seawolves!
- Larry Rogers
- Firebase Solid Anchor
- Somebody Asked Me
- SEAWOLF DOWN, HA(L)-3 Det-4, Ben Luc, RVN.
- Vincent Paone
- Seawolf Detachment Three
- Kenneth Wheeler
- Tom Olby
- Douglas Taylor
- Barry Solomon
- “Charlie” Johnson (The Flying Cook)
- Outpost Hotel, July 1970
- ADJ2 Madison Freeman
- Bill Rutledge, Det 8 – War Story
- Mike Dobson, Det 1
- AO1 Fred T. Stark
- Thurman L. Hicks, Det. 1
- James Wall, U.S.Navy Door Gunner (Poem)
- The Great Seawolf Airshow (Poem)
- The Great Watermelon Raid
- Seawolf Swap
- Three Quickies
- Pilot with a Magic Hat
- Seawolf Outhouse Robbery
- First liar doesn’t have a chance! Hey, wait a minute! That’s a TRUE Sea Story!
- Born Free (or The Great Chicken Chase!)
Photo Collections
- Detachments
- 1971 Cruise Book
- Aircraft
- Memorial
- Seawolves Visit Can Tho Orphanage
- HAL-3 Gunship Arrives on USS Midway
- USS Harnett County LST-821
- Seawolf Lands on Coast Guard Cutter
- Seawolf PBR Diorama
- Individual Seawolf Collections
- Gerald Auran Collection
- Mike Prybylski Collection
- Gerald Busic
- Ernie Clark
- Mike Worthington
- Craig Jones Det 6 Collection
- Larry Rogers Det 2 Collection
- Charles Biller Collection
- Floyd Eakins Collection
- Ben Smith Collection, Nha Be, Det 2 (1968-1969)
- Rick McIlmoil Collection, SEALORDS & Last Flight
- Howard Jacobs Collection, SEALORDS