Seawolf Logo Origin

by Robert W. Spencer, Seawolf 6

The recent “Wolf gram” made mention of the origin of our insignia, let me enlighten. Jack Curtin did, in fact, design it. It was one of several submitted, but I sat in judgement as a board of one, accepted it and added to it.

It was the Viet Cong who gave us the “Seawolf” title. I think their words were “Shoi Ben”. At any rate, the colors on the shield are taken from the Vietnamese Flag, the Ace of Spades is the card of death, the trident represents our sea heritage, the flame our power to sustain. The Wolf is Lowenbrau.

I had previously designed insignia for CAW-2 the rules of acceptance by the heraldic branch are unreal. Yet, ours was accepted within less than six months after submission