2 June 1969
From: Commanding Officer, Helicopter Attack (Light) Squadron Three
To: All Hands
Subj: Privately owned firearms; possession of
Ref: (a) NAVFORV Instruction 8020.1A
1. In accordance with reference (a), the possession of privately owned firearms or other dangerous weapons in Vietnam by US Forces personnel is prohibited. US Armed Forces personnel are prohibited from importing, mailing, carrying or otherwise introducing into RVN, and from obtaining by any means within RVN, privately owned firearms or other dangerous weapons.
2. Privately owned firearms or other dangerous weapons presently in the possession of squadron personnel shall be placed in the custody of the Squadron Weapons Officer. A register will be maintained with the complete details as to the description, serial number, etc. and owners name. Weapons will be released to the individual only when weapon is being returned or shipped to the United States in accordance with the provisions of reference (a) and other directives.
3. The below declaration certificate will be executed by all hands and will be incorporated into the officer and enlisted check-in procedures. Any person in possession of a privately owned firearm after 31 August 1968 will be prosecuted.
Subj: Privately owned firearms; possession of
1. I do not own or have in my possession in Vietnam, any privately owned firearms.