Rank: AO3
Date Killed in Action: 19 Apr 1971
Panel: 4W
Row: 135
- AO3 James A. Wall (center) receives the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry for heroism in action during a mission with HAL-3 Detachment 2 in 1970; Petty Officer Fred Meeks (right) also was decorated for heroism during the same engagement by the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
- U.S. NAVY PHOTO BY JOSN R. DAVID VALDEZ From left: Judy Pentecost, Wall’s sister Rear Adm. Christopher W. Cole, Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Owen Picket, U.S. Congressman, D-Va. Capt. George E. Slaven, Naval Support Activity Norfolk Commanding Officer Angela Wall Solley, Wall’s daughter
- Refueling aircraft with Meeks
- Wall on Det 2, second from right with arm on gun